Posted in Bible Crafts, Fine Motor skills, Kids Ministry, Uncategorized

Teaching kids about bible – Jacob gets Esau’s birthright (Genesis 25: 19-34)



So here’s a long overdue post. I’m sure this is not new anymore and you’re used to the delays by now. No worries, I’ll make this worth your time.

I am proud to say that Daddy A is now part of Kids Ministry and I am so elated to share his first teaching. This is so precious to me and our family. For most of you who doesn’t know my husband, he’s the typical shy guy who is so afraid talking in front of so many people. But believe me pagdating sa kulitan wala kang panalo sa kanya except syempre saken na mas malakas many-asar!haha

Supposed to be he should be observer muna but Teacher Marina asked him if he can teach the Level 1 since he already know how things goes every Friday. He was hesitant to accept the responsibility but with me boosting his confidence he said yes.

Side kwento muna – the night before his schedule he had a car accident in the middle of Emirates Road that lead us to stay outside till 3am in the morning. It was a long story that deserves a separate post but the good thing is he’s alive and nobody get hurt. And since he’s so puyat parang he wants to give up his schedule and he asked me if I can replace him since he’s not prepared and was saddened by the accident. And because I don’t want to stressed him out I said yes and I prepared my lesson buti na lang favorite story ko si Esau and Jacob. The next day to my surprise he was very busy doing his lesson and the activity,he said that the holy spirit spoke to him and made him realized na baka it was the enemy trying to control him to follow his hearts desire of serving God through teaching.

Fast forward the story, he executed well. It maybe his first time but while watching him sharing his insights to the kids, I thanked God for giving me a husband who has a desire to have a deeper relationship with HIM.

The lesson is about the twin brother Esau and Jacob and how Jacob used the situation to cheat to his brother so he can get the birthright. The aim of the story is to show that greed and selfishness can cause trouble to the families.

For the presentation he make it simple. You can never go wrong with toys as illustration. It was such a hit to the kids and everyone were really interested. To increase child’s participation thanks to Teacher Claire who also prepared a role-playing by using simple props and letting the kids re-enact the story. Their tandem was really a blast!

For the arts and crafts -He used paper plate and cut a heart shape in the center of the plate. Then he let the kids enjoyed doing the design using the red construction paper. Since I always wanted to work with the fine motor skills I suggested that the decors should be a small piece of papers para kids can use their pincer grasp and can work with the gluing.

And for the memory verse (Psalm 51:10) Create in me a clean heart O God..







Posted in Motherhood, Uncategorized

Let’s talk about cloth diaper,shall we?

Switching over to cloth diapers after using disposables for my first born son is a major decision for us. But what made me really pursue turning into eco-friendly diaper is knowing the good effect to our baby bum.

For quite sometime he has this diaper rash that can’t be treated no matter what kind of diaper rash cream we used. We are not also using wipes but only water and mustella liquid soap when washing him with poop. I persuaded hubby to switched and told him that maybe baby wiggle is allergic to disposable. I knew i am 100% sure that I wanted to do this but at the same time Im also worried that I may not able to do it correctly. In fact to be honest what really make me nervous is the fact the we need to wash every soiled diaper right away.

After talking to one of my online friend which I met of course through N@W,big shout out to Bhey !!- she gave the link where I can order the cloth diaper online without shipping charge. Is that cool?! Sometimes kasi mas mahal pa ang shipping fee kesa sa pinurchase.

Anyway after two weeks of waiting the package arrived and I am extremely happy to tried it right away. I ordered for 12 pocket cloth diapers (opens on one side) with MF inserts.


A pocket diaper has a “pocket” running from front to back for the absorbent inserts, usually shaped like a supersized maxi pad, to be “stuffed” into. Once stuffed, the pocket diaper works much like a disposable, stays together in a diaper bag, and is very user-friendly. Once wet or dirty however, most pocket diapers do need to be “un-stuffed” before washing, which means you have to get your hands dirty touching the inserts and diapers to separate the two.



After about 1 month using cloth diapers on our little guy, I can tell you  the advantages of pocket cloth diapers:

  • Easy to put on – act like a disposable, so they’re very user-friendly for people who don’t do cloth diapering all the time, like babysitters or relatives.
  • Can stuff extra inserts for added absorbency or easily bulk up near the front for boys or center for girls.
  • Very travel-worthy – because they don’t come apart once stuffed, it’s easy to pop one or two in the diaper bag and know that they’ll be ready to put on baby when you reach your destination.
  • Cozy and comfortable
  • Dry fairly easily overall since all the pieces come apart.
  • Super cute designs
  • Most inserts are interchangeable between brands, adding versatility.


I am newbie in CD but I am telling this is worth every penny. Sunbaby pocket diapers cost me aed 268 including the inserts and up to now I am a happy mommy and a satisfied client. We no longer buying disposables and most specially the rashes fade away and that’s because of cloth diapers. Yipeee!!



Posted in Learning through play, Our little man

Learning through play – Addition with marbles

Learning to add can be great fun especially with easy addition activities. By creating a simple addition game with marbles kids will definitely love playing it and the house are transformed into learning activity.


This addition activity is simple to make and can lead to hours of fun.


  • Bowls
  • Marbles
  • Markers
  • White Board or paper

 We started with a simple ones and then eventually I introduced the additions of 3 numbers.


Depending on your child’s level of ability, this learning activity can be modified in many ways.


Learning to add can be a ton of fun when armed with games to keep boredom away.

Happy counting and adding!


Posted in Uncategorized

Letter to Baby Wiggle @ 4months


Wow 4 months old you are already. I know I write this to you every month but it seems impossible to me that you’ve been in our life for 4 months now. Whew! 

I want you to know that you bring so much joy and love to us every single day. You smile all the time for us and your effort at giggling make us laugh.

Well, to be honest up to this time you haven’t a big fan of your car seat that’s why almost everyday even in our house we are practicing placing you in your carseat to avoid the dramas. Yes- honey, you can be a big dramatic star whenever you’re crying. We’re trying not to let you manipulate us too much but goodness,it’s hard not to be!


You are exploring with your hands and you’ve found a new joy eating your fingers. Since you are doing it everyday, daddy A bought teether because he believes that it could soothe you but it was a wrong move. You were not happy about it that sometimes you yell at us.You make all sort of noises,coos and you also talk to us and go back and forth with noises when we copy you. You’re still demanding when you get fussy and want us to hold you and walk around.


We think you are a strong baby. You can hold up your head to look around and you love to stand up/ You can hold of your weight on those teenie-tiny feet!We aren’t sure how much you weigh,but we will find out at your four month check up and vaccination next week.



My son you are such a treasure to us. We love you very much. We are treasuring these moments with you. You are adorable and we are so proud your with us. Our little sunshine!


Posted in DIY Kids Photoshoot

DIY Photoshoot of Superbrothers

There’s nothing sweeter than a sweet,adorable and smiling sibling!

Even before his brother was born, it was obvious that this handsome superhero was going to be the most loving and caring big brother a little boy could ever ask for!

Fast forward last week he proudly showed off his baby brother and carefully posed for photos with him.

They were such gorgeous and relaxed kids! Truly a dream to capture these precious moments.

Working on their pictures makes me cry. Love the way they enjoyed the camera.

Superhero theme would be perfect for them because Kuya A is into heroes  now a days.

Presenting the Superbrothers!!

Superbrothers - 11

Superbrothers - 04

Superbrothers - 24

Superbrothers - 20

Superbrothers - 25

Superbrothers - 21

Superbrothers - 08

Superbrothers - 32

Superbrothers - 27

Superbrothers - 17

Superbrothers - 23