Posted in Fine Motor skills, Homeschooling, Preschool Activity, Toddler's Activities

Learning through play – Hammering with Nails

Fine motor activities are important for strengthen hand muscles and hand-eye coordination. Both of which are needed for writing skills.  

This hammering activity has been on my list for a long time, and I’m so glad to finally get it together. Inigo was very engaged in this work.

 This is a really a simple activity. All you need is a toy hammer, styrofoam and we used real nails from daddy A’s toolbox.

He liked hammering, but he also enjoyed just pulling the nails.

Later on we used our scented playdough and Isabelle started to joined us.


When they are done with hammering they used the saw and the team work begin.


This activity was new to them. I find that once they see me getting into materials they want to get involved too.Keeping them focused and entertained.

Posted in Fine Motor skills, Homeschooling, Uncategorized

Learning through play – Fine Motor Skills with Stickers…

One thing I’d like with learning through play is letting your child to explore with different learning skills without them knowing. They are having fun at the same time learning! 

We had left over stickers we used in our DIY wall clock. And decided to leave the sticker sheet in our easel just in case the kids wants to play with it. And I was right!    

 Our chinito Inigo shows interest and started to use the stickers and decided to use our wall as his working station. 

 Peeling those stickers off the sheet is tricky for little fingers. This is a great fine motor activity to turn to when you don’t have a ton of time to play.   
   When everything were already in our wall he was still asking that made me promise before he went to bed that I’ll give him more tomorrow because there are countless possibilities with this activity.  

Posted in Uncategorized

Random Act of Kindness : Card making for sick people



The message of today’s activity is LOVE,HOPE and FAITH.

And love is best shown when we choose to put someone else’s needs before our own.

Like Jesus did.

Here’s a fun way you can share the sweet message of LOVE,HOPE and FAITH with the sick people.


After our Mathematics lesson little A asked me if we can’t still paint. Since it’s been ages that we never dip our brush and use our paints I was so happy to obliged with him.

I used the opportunity of teaching him about HOPE and ACT of KINDNESS. Every person who is in a difficult season will be uplifted upon receiving a hand made card made especially for them.

Sometimes I find the simple things incredibly helpful to focus on others.

I like to prayerfully ask, “How can we be a blessing to someone today?”  It gets my mind off my own troubles and onto being a part of the healing of someone else’s troubles.

We made two for today and planning to add more tomorrow. Then I will give the cards to Compassion Ministry to make someone’s life hopeful.

Have Faith Jesus loves you!!

Happy Card making!











This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?  Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:16-18

Posted in Learning through play, Our little man, Summer Activities

Summer Activity – R is for Rainbow Collage

Good morning everyone! I hope we are all enjoying our long weekend. It’s only 5:30 am here in UAE but can’t go back to sleep, baby wiggle is keep on kicking and moving inside. Deadmahin ko sana kaso parang I feel hungry din so here I am eating and blogging.

Anyhoo, did I mentioned here that little A is a good composer? Yes, he like music though most of his songs are composed by him. Minsan nga nagugulat kami from where his getting his lyrics.

One of his hit song to us is inspired by his fascination to rainbow colors and pancake. The song is entitled “Wehoo”. And the song goes like this.

Eating rainbow pancake
Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo and Violet..”

He will sing this song with matching dikit pisngi to our face.

And since he like the song so much I didn’t prepare cooking activity but rather let him made a rainbow collage.

This activity is the perfect craft for a hot summer day. It is a great lesson in color recognition and fine motor skills.

I set up large paper filled with bright crepe paper cuttings. If the crepe paper is not available you may use whatever bits and pieces you have at home. You could also use buttons, poms-poms or scrap from magazine.

I made the rainbow pattern from MS Word and gave the print out to little A. That makes him giggle and excited.

He used all the crepe paper bits to fill in the rainbows, and then and glued on some cotton ball clouds. Same procedure applied to letter R.

A very neat idea yet so entertaining for kids..

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!

Presenting our Rainbow Collage..













Posted in Fine Motor skills, Finger painting, Learning through play, Our little man, Seuss fun activity

The Lorax Handmade Puppet

Hello dear!

I hope everybody is having a great weekend.

Ours is busy, like always, but it’s also fun!

Today I am sharing with you how we made our Lorax Handmade Puppet.
Easy peasy activity for a toddler who loves Dr. Seuss.


Materials needed:

An orange paper plate or construction paper
Q – tips or cotton buds
Googly eyes
yellow construction paper for the moustache


1. Trace a circle into the paper and cut.
2. Let the child paint the paper with Q-tips.
3. For the moustache- You can use child’s handprints, either with yellow construction paper or paint. Ours is from little A’s 3rd birthday party photobooth props.
4. Once completely dry, glue the googly eyes and the moustache.
5. Add the popsicle stick.
6. Have fun!









