Posted in Seuss fun activity


You know very well that Dr. Seuss is a family favorite. And yes, I heart his collection and Little A does too.

This week to celebrate Dr. Seuss birthday I have prepared fun Seuss related activities.

Presenting our “Patterning” activities..

the invitation

Inspired by the book “The Cat in the Hat” we made our own version of Cat in the Hat.


Construction paper (I used black) but you can use any color

Pipe cleaners

Old CD’s

Glue and brush

Colored papers (red in particular)

Pom poms (optional)

Hat template

I asked Little A who is black and white, smart, playful, wears a big red bow tied around the neck and a tall red and white striped hat? Any guess??
No other than "The Cat in the Hat"..

It’s easier for me to experiment and play pattern with Little A. I made sure that the book is beside us to served as an inspiration/guide for him.

The Cat in the Hat is good example of patterning activity. The pattern is very simple white,red,white red. During the process I asked Little A, what comes next? This question helps him to solve the problem and also a way to encourage the logical thinking.

Green eggs and Ham

One activity is not enough for Little A so we played Green Eggs and Ham pattern.

Little A just need to follow the pattern (green egg,green ham,green egg,green ham..)

Sometimes,simplifying the process does always make the project more fun..

I can say that we have fun,oh so fun! It was a long day filled of fun..

Happy Seussy fun day everyone..

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