Posted in Family matters, Holidays, Our little man, Parenting style

Hippity,Hoppity! The Easter Bunny’s been here!

 Let’s go on a hunt to find your basket this year!

One of our goal in raising our son is creating memories that he can cherish for a lifetime. For the past week we are doing our Easter theme, I thought that this week would be best to try the scavenger hunt. Since Little A is just two in a half  I tried to keep it simple. I spread the clues out on our living room floor where they’re clearly visible. Little A was so thrilled seeing all the bunny footprints. I chose locations that are really familiar to him and areas which we commonly used in our house. Then the final clue reveals where he can easily find his Easter basket!  It consists of miniature twix and snickers (courtesy of Tita Anne- Thanks!),Hershey’s kisses and Cadbury egg chocolate.

Since sharing is CARING I prepared extra baskets that we gave to his playmates.

We had a blast and we really had so much fun. We will definitely do it again next year!!

after I read the first clue and giving him some more hints he automatically went to his playroom
following the trails of the bunny
I was supposed to read the 2nd clue but he read the word color and balls and went straight to his fave area!

“here” colorful balls..
One of our bonding is cooking.I gave clues such as ‘this is a place where we usually do our baking,there’s refrigerator,microwave and rice cooker..
It’s so difficult to have action shots because he was too eager to go to the next spot.
Our FINAL spot!! This is a place where Daddy always cuddles him. If a am his mommy/teacher then daddy is his kalaro. He loves to play tickle-tickle and srew-screw with daddy.
He was so surpised and when he saw that there is Easter basket waiting for him..
a very entertaining weekend for both of us..

Have a blessed Sunday everyone!

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